At Key Stage One (KS1), which is for children aged 5 to 7 years old in the United Kingdom, mathematics is taught in a practical and interactive way, using a variety of resources and activities to help children develop their understanding of key concepts. The National Curriculum sets out the following areas of focus for mathematics at KS1:
Number and Place Value
Children learn to count forwards and backwards from any number, recognise and order numbers up to 100, and understand place value, including tens and ones.
Addition and Subtraction
Children learn to add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers, using a range of strategies such as counting on and back, and using number lines.
Multiplication and Division
Children are introduced to the concept of multiplication as repeated addition, and division as sharing and grouping.
Children learn to recognise and name halves and quarters, and to understand the concept of a fraction as a part of a whole.
Children learn to measure length, mass, and capacity, using a range of tools such as rulers, scales, and measuring jugs.
Children learn to identify and describe 2D and 3D shapes, and to recognise symmetry and patterns.
If your child needs support with Maths at Key Stage One, contact Prepped tutoring now on 01284 658777 or email hello@prepped.academy