Geography A-Level covers a range of topics related to human and physical geography, including:
Tectonic Processes and Hazards
This topic covers the study of plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and their effects on people and the environment.
Landscape Systems, Processes and Change
This topic covers the study of physical landscapes, including the formation and evolution of coastal, river, and glacial landscapes.
The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity
This topic covers the study of the water cycle, water resources, and the causes and consequences of water insecurity.
The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security
This topic covers the study of the carbon cycle, climate change, and energy security, including the production and consumption of fossil fuels.
This topic covers the study of the economic, cultural, and political processes that shape globalisation, including the role of multinational corporations, international trade, and global governance.
This topic covers the study of the characteristics of superpowers, their geopolitical influence, and their impact on global politics.
Regenerating Places
This topic covers the study of regeneration of urban and rural areas, including the impact of social, economic, and environmental factors on regeneration.
Migration, Identity and Sovereignty
This topic covers the study of migration, including the causes and consequences of migration, the role of identity, and the implications for sovereignty and political systems.
Diverse Places
This topic covers the study of diversity, including the causes and consequences of social and cultural diversity, and the implications for social justice and governance.
These topics can vary depending on the specific exam board and curriculum, but generally, Geography A-level covers a broad range of topics that span human and physical geography, with a focus on environmental, economic, and social issues.
Overall, the A-Level Geography syllabus aims to provide students with a broad understanding of the physical and human processes that shape our world, as well as the skills and knowledge needed to investigate and analyse these processes.
At Prepped, we provide extra support for those who are studying Geography at A-Level so that they feel prepared for when they take their exams. If you would like additional support, contact Prepped on 01284 658777 or email